Her starter en ny youtube / podcast serie. Jeg sad med Jacob Aremark i “det virtuelle bibliotek”, hvor vi interviewede hinanden om forholdet mellem krop og meditation, om hvordan kultur og kropsbilleder præger vores såkaldContinue reading
Author: Niels Viggo
Apple dialogues II – France
During early summer of 2017, we – Sarah and Niels – continued the apple adventures in a road trip to four wonderful places in France. In each of the places the trees were receivedContinue reading
On moving and being moved
The relationship between moving and being moved was the theme at one of our MOVING MEDITATION workshops in Aarhus last night. This evening became a particularly warm, fun and insightful group exploration, and I think theContinue reading
Passing of a great spirit
The funeral of my friend Peter Bastian two days ago was not just a beautiful and comforting event, it was deeply challenging too. He had made sure it would be – as a final act ofContinue reading
Emergent apple dialogues
[by Sarah and Niels Viggo] An apple is a gift, generously given by the tree, even wrapped in colors and patterns where you can almost directly read the message “I love you, please thrive andContinue reading
What makes a meditation concert
Is there such a thing as meditation music and meditation concerts? In a way music is always contemplative. Music brings us in touch with layers of life and being that are not so available in otherContinue reading